
回覆網友 - K(2)

Dear RKWC,

Thanks for your prompt response and so detail! You are so smart in property investment and I can't believe you are 90s. :p
My original plan is as you said, buy a 2-3 bedrooms apartment near University, I can live there and manage the apartment. Hopefully another two can rent that out but not sure how the property market in UK at this moment.  "
At this moment, I can manage my parent 0.5 million (that's included all my school fee and living expenses) and would like to follow your step.
Not sure can I mortgage without an income prove.  I have asked HSBC in HK but they just said HK/UK entity are individual entities. That's why I would like to seek for your information how I can make my dream come true :)
My target is using the rent to cover my school fee without adding my family burden.

Thanks so much for your quick response lei. Surely you can share my story but not my true name, ok? :p



你說到目前可以利用的資金有大約 $500000,即 ~ £ 39000,但這個數包含了學費及生活費,所以應該做好預算先將這兩個數扣去,得出一個真正可以用來買樓的數。假設在扣除兩條數及資金用來應付層樓的雜費後有 ~ £ 30000。三萬鎊應該是不能夠 Full-pay 一層樓。那就是說要向銀行求助了,也就是做按揭。


我的方法是在上年暑假前的兩個月找了份工,在暑假時的四個月就不停工作,將那四個月的人工維持在 ~£1200。由於當時銀行只要三個月的月入證明,及六個月的工作紀錄,於是銀行就將這份收入當成是年薪 £14400 (1200*12)來計入我的收入。(樓A的租金收入由於不足兩年所以未能夠當成收入)就這樣我就成功申請按揭買入樓B了。你或者可以參考一下我這個方法。不過要先問清銀行的按揭申請條件,每間銀行都有不同,有些要六個月的收入證明的,那我這個方法就當然是不行了!還有其他的要求例如:在英國居住的時間,信貸紀錄,等等。

祝 生活愉快




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